Couples Counseling Intensives in Buffalo, New York, and Pennsylvania

Is traditional weekly therapy not working for you?

You might feel like you and your partner(s) are fighting constantly, with no end in sight. You might have tried relationship counseling in the past, but felt frustrated with the slow pace or lack of progress. You might be looking for a different perspective to break you out of the toxic cycles that exist in your everyday life and you might need that transformation sooner rather than later.

Couples/Relationship Intensives FAQ

  • A therapy intensive involves multiple hours of therapy in a given day and is typically scheduled in one-day or multi-day increments. A therapy intensive provides more concentrated support than typical weekly therapy.

  • During our free 15 minute consultation, we will discuss your needs and determine the best length and schedule for your intensive. Intensives start at 2 hours per day, and can go up to 6 hours per day, potentially for multiple days in a row or once a month. This process is highly customized to your needs.

  • The rate for intensives is $250 per hour. This fee reflects the accelerated healing that you will experience by choosing an intensive over weekly or biweekly therapy. Additional fees apply for weekend or evening intensives.

  • No, intensives are not covered by insurance. Depending on your insurance plan, I may be able to provide a superbill in order for you to obtain some reimbursement using your out of network benefits.

  • Intensives can be held in person in my office in Buffalo, New York, or virtually. Research states that therapy is just as effective online as it is in person.

    *Please note that if you are participating in a virtual intensive, you must be physically located in New York or Pennsylvania*

Intensive therapy can help you…

  • Learn “why” you and your partner(s) communicate the way you do

  • Dismantle toxic communication patterns and stop having the same argument over and over

  • Restore or improve physical and emotional intimacy

  • Heal from any traumatic events that have occurred in your relationship, such as infidelity, loss, breaches of trust, and more.

Let me show you how intensive therapy is more effective and efficient than weekly therapy:

Weekly therapy:

  • 10-15 mins checking in

  • 20-30 mins processing

  • 10-15 mins closing

One month of weekly sessions at $200/50 minute session: $800 for 200 minutes

Intensive therapy:

  • 10-15 mins checking in

  • 150 mins processing (or more, depending on your needs)

  • 10-15 mins closing

One 3-hour intensive at $250/60 minutes: $750 for 180 minutes

Additional savings:

  • One 3-hour babysitter versus four 1-hour babysitters

  • One commute instead of four commutes

  • Healing in one day versus four weeks

There is hope for you and your relationship. Work smarter, not harder.

FAQs about Therapy Intensives

  • The fees for couples/relationship intensives begin at $250/hour. This fee reflects the accelerated healing that you will experience by choosing an intensive over weekly or biweekly therapy.

    Additional fees apply for weekend or evening intensives.

  • No, intensives are not covered by insurance. Depending on your insurance plan, I may be able to provide a superbill in order for you to obtain some reimbursement using your out of network benefits.

  • Typically, we will spend the first hour getting to know you and your relationship, and then I will spend an hour with each partner individually. This gives me a full perspective on the issues going on and each person’s individual viewpoint. We will then dive into processing any trauma that may have occurred in your relationship, and learning skills to improve your communication and conflict management.

  • Set up a free 15 minute consultation here to learn more!

In Person Therapy in Buffalo, New York